Alone in the world

Escapadas: Montauk, The end of the world.

You might know or not that i’m terribly afraid to sharks but I also know the chances of getting bit by one are very low, hey I’ve seen Shark week! and other sharks documentaries, so I got into the water that day at Ditch Plains and I couldn’t even feel how cold it was because the adrenaline was so high! Honestly, I felt amazing, I can’t wait to go back to the water again.

Montauk is such a small town, so pretty, clean and really far away from the craziness of the city, is at the very end of Long Island, they call it “The end of the world”, this was my 4th time there. Sunset that day didn’t disappoint…

See you again soon.



Kosciuszko bridge

This is the first time I walk this bridge, I wasn’t planning on doing it but I was coming back from Long Island and the sun was about to set so I thought it was a good idea to park and walk to the center of it so I can admire the sunset, i’m so glad I did, the view was great and I was able to share a video and some photos with my mom who I miss tons.

The Bridge connects Greenpoint with Maspeth, Queens and is 1.14 miles. Who was Kosciuzsko? It was a Polish General who helped the Colonist during the Revolutionary War, this is all according to Google, you might wanna go deeper on books or the web if you’re looking for more info.

Anyway, what’s your favorite Bridge in New York? Do you ever walk them or just drive by? Sending you kisses with a mask and lots of love,


Kosciuszko Bridge, Brooklyn.

Kosciuszko Bridge, Brooklyn.

The moon is watching

The moon is watching

The bridge cables and the moon

The bridge cables and the moon

Skyline, view from the bridge

Skyline, view from the bridge


Week #9

Hey!, I feel like I can’t do May, I wish we can skip this month and we can go straight to June so I can be outside and go to the beach on a sunny June day. * * * Update, last week of May got a little better, still craving for that Sunny June days tho * * *

I’m sharing this photo of this beautiful place in Big Sur, Ca., McWay falls! As you all probably know I live in New York and I love it, it’s been my home for the past 8 years but I also love California, in 2019 I spent a lot of time there. Mc Way falls was part of my itinerary from a road trip I did on September and it didn’t disappoint me, I got to this specific spot right before sunset, I felt like I wasn’t precisely there but on a different place, maybe in a “Distant Island” per se, is so amazing!

Going back to my travels photos, helps me so much when I feel a little down because I revive those moments and they make me remember how lucky I am sometimes for many reasons. I want to physycally escape somewhere away from here but I can’t right now so in the meantime i’m just mentally escaping to those places I adore like Big Sur.

Hasta pronto!,


McWay Falls Big Sur, Ca.September 2019.

McWay Falls Big Sur, Ca.

September 2019.

"Tiny Human"

This is one of my favorite photos I took last year, I have so many great memories from my trips, i’m so thankful I was able to be present in this exact moment when the sun was about to set. This photo was taken in Santa Cruz, California, you can see a person there in the middle, he was the only surfer in this beach, he seemed focus and calm, It was a beautiful day, I can’t imagine that feeling of being in the middle of the ocean waiting and waiting and waiting for that opportunity to “ride that wave”, trying, again and again without getting drowned or without getting bit by a shark… I can’t express with more words but there’s so much more behind this image and this analogy, I just wanna say I hope you never stop trying and you ride great waves in your life.

I can’t wait to visit the West Coast again.

Be safe,


“Tiny human” 2019Santa Cruz, Ca.

“Tiny human” 2019

Santa Cruz, Ca.

Good and bad days nowadays

I miss the beach, I miss taking photos of roses at the sunset, I wish I could be somewhere in California right now by the beach, i’m also happy to be in New York, here is home. I have good days and bad days too, just like everyone else; We are in this together and we will get back to our normal activities soon, I hope, renewed and with a different perspective in life. Trying to stay positive and hang in there! Writing helps, looking at beautiful photos helps too. Dreaming is always my escape so I do that every single day.

This is a photo of a beautiful rose, it was also one of the best sunsets from last year, the sky was unreal. I’m not expecting you see it the way I see it, but these photos I take bring me joy and I mean to spread joy if I can.


August 2019, Rockaway Beach, NY.

August 2019, Rockaway Beach, NY.

Malibu Photos


“Birds leaving”


June, 2019

“Birds Leaving 2” Malibu, June 2019

“Birds Leaving 2”


June 2019

I’ve been going through a couple of memory cards I have with so many beautiful photos, I don’t think I will be able to show all of them but I wanted to share these ones with the birds flying into the Malibu Sunset.


Best always,


Grateful today

Today i’m grateful for having a warm bed and feeling healthy, for having enough food and being able to eat ice cream any time I want, saying that at loud feels like a luxury right now. I’m grateful that my family in Mexico is healthy as well and that we are in communication.

I’m grateful for all the wonderful moments i’ve lived in the past couple of years, i’ve been going through a lot and i’ve been strong enough to move on to happier and safer places. Just by thinking about all the problems in the world and terrible situations people have to go through makes my problems tiny and that’s why I don’t think is worth the time writing about it.

I’m grateful that I can be presence for a sunset or a sunrise either on the west or on the east coast where I live while a hold a rose, this also feels like a luxury.

Please be safe, I wish you the best always,


Santa Cruz, California.September 2019

Santa Cruz, California.

September 2019