Alone in the world


Week #9

Hey!, I feel like I can’t do May, I wish we can skip this month and we can go straight to June so I can be outside and go to the beach on a sunny June day. * * * Update, last week of May got a little better, still craving for that Sunny June days tho * * *

I’m sharing this photo of this beautiful place in Big Sur, Ca., McWay falls! As you all probably know I live in New York and I love it, it’s been my home for the past 8 years but I also love California, in 2019 I spent a lot of time there. Mc Way falls was part of my itinerary from a road trip I did on September and it didn’t disappoint me, I got to this specific spot right before sunset, I felt like I wasn’t precisely there but on a different place, maybe in a “Distant Island” per se, is so amazing!

Going back to my travels photos, helps me so much when I feel a little down because I revive those moments and they make me remember how lucky I am sometimes for many reasons. I want to physycally escape somewhere away from here but I can’t right now so in the meantime i’m just mentally escaping to those places I adore like Big Sur.

Hasta pronto!,


McWay Falls Big Sur, Ca.September 2019.

McWay Falls Big Sur, Ca.

September 2019.

Earth Day


I hope we can take a moment to think about our dear planet, we live in a wonderful place, nature is amazing and we must respect it and take care of it everyday, is hard to do so because we are so busy living in routine that we forget about it.

Maybe we can eat less meat and recycle more and be nice to each other every day. Have a wonderful day and don’t forget to respect our Mother Nature as well as live in it to the fullest.

I wanted to share these photos below, they are from a trip I made to Big Sur on September 2019, on my way there from Carmel I wanted to make a quick stop for my roses photoshoot in Garrapata Beach and a small valley of lilies, it was such a beautiful day, please enjoy. We are so lucky to be living in this land with so much nature!

Best always,
