Alone in the world

Good and bad days nowadays

I miss the beach, I miss taking photos of roses at the sunset, I wish I could be somewhere in California right now by the beach, i’m also happy to be in New York, here is home. I have good days and bad days too, just like everyone else; We are in this together and we will get back to our normal activities soon, I hope, renewed and with a different perspective in life. Trying to stay positive and hang in there! Writing helps, looking at beautiful photos helps too. Dreaming is always my escape so I do that every single day.

This is a photo of a beautiful rose, it was also one of the best sunsets from last year, the sky was unreal. I’m not expecting you see it the way I see it, but these photos I take bring me joy and I mean to spread joy if I can.


August 2019, Rockaway Beach, NY.

August 2019, Rockaway Beach, NY.

Grateful today

Today i’m grateful for having a warm bed and feeling healthy, for having enough food and being able to eat ice cream any time I want, saying that at loud feels like a luxury right now. I’m grateful that my family in Mexico is healthy as well and that we are in communication.

I’m grateful for all the wonderful moments i’ve lived in the past couple of years, i’ve been going through a lot and i’ve been strong enough to move on to happier and safer places. Just by thinking about all the problems in the world and terrible situations people have to go through makes my problems tiny and that’s why I don’t think is worth the time writing about it.

I’m grateful that I can be presence for a sunset or a sunrise either on the west or on the east coast where I live while a hold a rose, this also feels like a luxury.

Please be safe, I wish you the best always,


Santa Cruz, California.September 2019

Santa Cruz, California.

September 2019