Alone in the world

On a hunch

I can’t explain how I got here today but sometimes I let myself go and act on a hunch, this might not be the best thing to do, but this might be the best way to live, have you ever experienced something like this?

Stay well and pay attention to your hunches friends,


This ”Sunset Rose” original home is in West Village at a private client’s house.

This ”Sunset Rose” original home is in West Village at a private client’s house.


Hey friends,

I recently went for a shark dive because I wanted to be close to sharks, i’m learning about their importance in the ecosystem and in our lives so this for me was very exciting! i’ve seen sharks but only in Aquariums. We’ve been taught that sharks are monsters because of many cases of sharks biting humans but the reality is that we are not part of their food menu and we’re not the prey they’re looking for. They’re the one species that keep the ocean healthy. Every single day thousands of sharks are being killed because of finning and other practices and they’re many species are endangered. Sharks are important and we must respect them as well as our dear ocean.

Sadly we weren’t able to see any except 1 shark fin that day so I’m gonna have to go back another time. I went with a company called Sea Turtle, based in Montauk, NY. I had a great time except the part when got seasick and ended throwing up multiple times haha, Captain suggested to swim in the ocean so I jumped in the water and that made me feel better, twice, amazing!

See ya soon Montauk.